Become A Member of NCNW, Inc.
Becoming a financial member of NCNW, Inc. helps promote and recognize leadership among women of color, champion women’s rights and civil rights, reduce health disparities, increase the educational attainment, work toward the economic empowerment of all minority women, celebrate and strengthen the African American family, and reach out to women in need in our community, and around the world.
If you have been looking for a place to explore opportunities and realize your potential with the help of a positive supportive network of sisters, then NCNW, Inc. is the organization for you. Through national programs and the work of over 240 community sections and 39 National affiliate organizations, NCNW, Inc. helps women of African descent enhance their health, knowledge and personal satisfaction and work to improve their communities.

Join the Co-Op City Section
Join the Co-Op City Section
If you are interested in becoming a member of the Co-Op City Section, then please complete the application form (Click "Application Form" button below) and ensure both your section and national dues are paid.
Section Dues
Our section membership dues are $35 per year. You can pay them by clicking the "Pay Now" button below or mailing it to our P.O. Box. Any money orders or checks must be made payable to "NCNW Co-op City Section."​
Mailing Address:
National Council of Negro Women, Inc. Co-op City Section
P.O. Box 93
Bronx, New York 10475
​National Dues
The National dues are $75 per year. You can pay them by visiting NCNW.org or clicking the "National Dues" button below. Please forward the email receipt that you receive after completing your online registration to ncnwcoopcitymembership@gmail.com​.​
For more information about our various national membership levels, please visit our national website. If you are interested in becoming a Life or Legacy Life member, please email us at ncnwcoopcitymembership@gmail.com